St. Anthony Catholic School is more than an educational center of excellence; it is a community. Dedicated parents, staff and parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church share their time, talent, and treasure in order for the school to more fully serve its Mission. The talents and cheerfulness of volunteers create an energetic, supportive climate for all who are a part of St. Anthony.
The positive synergy of the St. Anthony community nurtures a climate of togetherness which perpetually benefits each student. St. Anthony is blessed to have many talented and generous supporters who freely give of their time, talents, and treasure to create an educational haven in which our students may grow.
Some of the many Community Projects that St. Anthony participate in are Silver for Saltillo in which students collect money to send to their mission in Saltillo, Mexico. During the season of Thanksgiving, the students collect canned goods for local families in need.